128. Real Estate Wisdom from the Co-Founder of Keller Williams


This is an LFI episode and LFI is now part of PassivePockets.

In this episode, Joe Williams, co-founder of Keller Williams, shares how KW became the largest real estate company in the U.S by flipping the traditional brokerage model to become agent-focused. Joe offers valuable lessons from his successful career, including timing the market and planning for success. He also discusses his current focus on land funds as an investment vehicle, leveraging Keller Williams’ network to source deals. This episode provides a wealth of insights that can be applied beyond the real estate industry.

About Joe Williams

Although he is best known as the co-founder of Keller Williams Realty, Joe Williams was licensed at 19 and sold homes throughout his college years. Joe received his BBA in 1976 from the University of Texas in Real Estate, which at the time was a new degree program. He has over 43 years experience working with the local community and realtors. Joe, along with his team, has extensive experience in Residential & Commercial Brokerage, as well as Building & Residential Development.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

[03:10] Starting his real estate career at age 19 and working his way up

[11:28] The importance of having the right partners

[13:28] Becoming agent-focused with their mission statement and profit share program

[23:07] VDPR: The key elements for achieving success

[27:35] Real estate is learnable

[37:00] Lessons in real estate investing and the importance of timing the market

[53:24] Joe’s current focus on land funds and future plans

Episode Highlights:

[23:07] VDPR: The Key Elements for Achieving Success

VDPR stands for Vision, Discipline, Planning, and Results. The concept is that in order to achieve any goal, you must first have a clear vision of what you want to attain, and then acquire the discipline necessary to work towards that goal. This requires planning and organization, such as making lists and setting clear markers for progress. Ultimately, the results will follow as a direct outcome of the effort put in. Clarity of purpose and a focused mindset are key to achieving success, as Earl Nightingale famously said, “you will become what you think about.”

[27:35] Real Estate is Learnable

Real estate values are primarily driven by public data such as supply and demand, job availability, city policies, growth patterns, schools, hospitals, and utility locations, which can all be researched and analyzed. This is what makes real estate an attractive investment vehicle – it’s something that can be learned and understood. However, having an expert on your side who can interpret these variables is invaluable. Real estate professionals deal with these factors daily and are equipped to predict future value. In comparison to stocks, real estate is much easier to evaluate.

[29:14] The Importance of Timing

Timing is essential in real estate, outweighing even the significance of location. Market cycles, which are rarely linear due to human behavior, greatly impact supply and demand for multi-family properties. Joe states that there is no such thing as a bad market, only buyer’s or seller’s markets. Understanding your place in the cycle is crucial since waiting for the top can lead to missed opportunities. A wise investor once said, “I’ve always sold too soon,” emphasizing the importance of being proactive.

This show is for entertainment purposes only. Nothing said on the show should be considered financial advice. Before making any decisions, consult a professional. This show is copyrighted by Passive Investing from Left Field and Left Field Investors. Written permissions must be granted before syndication or rebroadcasting.

Resources Mentioned:

Email: joe@joewilliams.land

Royal Legal Solutions

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